Set Two-Factor Phone Verification

How to set two-factor phone verification through the CoSync REST API #

Set the two factor phone verification for the user. This function controls whether two-factor phone verification is enabled for the logged in user or not.

Method #
Headers #
    access-token: "<Access Token>"
Data Parameter #
        twoFactor: "<true or false>",

Response: #

Success: #

StatusCode: #
    200 (OK)
Contents: #

Error: #

StatusCode: #
    400 (BAD REQUEST)
Content: #
        code: "<internal error code>",
        message: "<readable error description>"

The internal codes are integers:

  • 401 - app no longer exists
  • 402 - app is suspended
  • 403 - missing parameter
  • 404 - user account is suspended
  • 405 - invalid access token
  • 409 - app does not support phone two-factor verification
  • 410 - user does not have verified phone number
  • 413 - app is migrated
  • 500 - internal server error
  • 602 - invalid data